
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Stiff, sore and proud

Went to the gym last night. Did 25 minutes of laps in the pool. I was on swim team when I was a kid, so my technique is still pretty solid. All that to say I think I got a pretty good cardio workout in.
I am still sore from the Newbody class on the weekend. My sides are hurting a lot so I guess I used more oblique muscles than I have in a while. Interesting reminder that they are there and obviously underused.
Struggling a bit with the diet. Overall calories are ok but I am not losing. Spoke to the dietitian today and she would like me to try to cut back on the starches to less than 5 servings per day. I eat a lot of peas and have been counting them as veg instead of starch, so I think I need to find a new green vegetable for the week. I also think I will try to add salad back into my life. I ate so much of it at the beginning that I got really sick of it. Rabbit food, yuck!
Aquafit tonight, excited to try the class. Though I have to say the pool was a bit gross in that the water was very cloudy. I am hoping it's the chemicals they use and not the lack thereof.
Water goal for the week is a minimum of 60ounces while at work. So less starch, more water, we'll see how it goes.
I will do this, I will.

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